Board of Education

The Upper Valley Career Center Board of Education is comprised of dedicated men and women who are committed to excellence in education. They representing our local communities and our associate school districts.

Mr. Lee Harmon

Mr. Lee Harmon,
Covington EVSD

Mr. Bill Ankney

Mr. Bill Ankney,
Sidney City Schools

Ms. Maria Brewer

Ms. Maria Brewer,
Legislative Liaison
Bradford Schools

Dr. Robert Allen

Dr. Robert Allen,
Miami County ESC

Mr. Clint Bostick

Mr. Clint Bostick,
Piqua City Schools

Mr. Eric Ditmer

Mr. Eric Ditmer,
Midwest Regional ESC

Mr. Levi Fox

Mr. Levi Fox,
Troy City Schools

Mr. Andy Hite

Mr. Andy Hite,
Vice Preseident
Piqua City Schools

Mr. Greg Dickman

Mr. Greg Dickman,
Sidney City Schools

Mrs. Theresa Packard

Mrs. Theresa Packard,
Troy City Schools

Mr. Randy Sailor

Mr. Randy Sailor,
Midwest Regional ESC

Upcoming Board Meeting Agenda / Documentation

Click here to access the agenda for the upcoming UVCC BOE meeting.

Click here to access the upcoming UVCC BOE meeting packet documentation.

Meetings & Minutes

The Upper Valley Career Center Board of Education meets monthly on the following dates at 6:00 pm in the Adams Board Room of the main UVCC high school building, unless otherwise announced in advance.

Historic Board Meeting Documentation