Education Foundation

Requests for student assistance have increased in recent year in proportion to enrollment growth and the rising cost of living. After extensive study and careful consideration, the UVCC Education Foundation Trustees have determined now is the time for bold action. The $3M 50th Anniversary Fundraising Campaign will provide a giant step forward, aligning the UVCC Foundation’s goals and giving with the district’s distinct career-tech perspective.
Gift to the to the UVCC Education Foundation General Scholarship over the next 3 years will help us respond to the unique needs of career-tech students. The funds raised through the 50th Anniversary $3M campaign will expand opportunities for high school and adult students.
Together we can reduce UVCC students’ financial burden for career tech costs.
Equip next-level success through scholarships as well as the tools and equipment needed for employment.
Support continued program enhancement with a forward focus that assures UVCC students are prepped and ready for career success.
Each gift makes a difference
The UVCC Education Foundation works with The Troy Foundation to process donations. Gifts of real estate, stock, bonds, donor advised funds and annuities are welcome. Individual cash gifts may be made online through the link provided here. Donations granted through trusts, corporate charity funds, or employer-employee match programs may be made by contacting The Troy Foundation for assistance. (see below)
We are happy to recognize all contributors as well as contributions made in memorial or as a tribute to a loved one. Gift amounts of $2,500 and larger will be acknowledged on a wall-size digital display prominently located in the lobby of the main instructional building.
Giving large and small will impact students and their families for the next 50 years!
Donations to all funds are managed through The Troy Foundation. Donations can be made online or by contacting The Troy Foundation.
All donations to the UVCC Education Foundation are tax deductible.
The Troy Foundation
216 W. Franklin Street
Troy, OH 45373
(937) 339-8935
We accept designated and undesignated donations and gifts, and establish those funds to meet the objectives of the Education Foundation and the intent and conditions specified by donors.
UVCC Education Foundation Funds
UVCC General Scholarship -
50th Anniversary CampaignE. Eileen Warner Scholarship
Whitmore Scholarship
Student Assistance Fund
Memorial Pavers
Inscribed pavers grace the main entrance to the Upper Valley Career Center. This is a lasting way to honor individuals and organizations for their dedication and support of career and technical education. Memorial pavers also recognize the contribution of those who have impacted students or the organization. Paver Order Form
50th Anniversary $3M Fundraising Campaign
The UVCC Education Foundation announces an unprecedented goal to raise $3 million in order to create a financial resource that will provide unparalleled opportunity for UVCC students.

Jason Haak, UVCC Superintendent
The UVCC Education Foundation is responsible for providing prudent management of investments under the Foundation’s governance and in conjunction with The Troy Foundation.
Education Foundation Trustees
Jason Haak
Anthony Fraley
Steve Verhoff
Patrick Gibson
Ken Monnier
Deb Jung
Wade Westfall
Diana Davis
Brian Moloney
Marian Spicer
Becky Hoelscher
Tom Martin
The Upper Valley Career Center Education Foundation was established in 2002 as component fund of The Troy Foundation.
The UVCC Education Foundation’s purpose is to promote programs and interests of the Upper Valley Career Center through financial support for high school and adult education program enhancement and development, student scholarships and financial assistance.
Thank you for your on-going support of student achievement.
Please use the link provided here to connect your generosity with student needs.
UVCC General Scholarship - 50th Anniversary Campaign