UVCC Launch Program Logo

Launch is a one-year, high school transition program for individuals with disabilities to provide training and education leading to community employment.

This program serves as a workforce alternative for young adults (ages 18-22) who defer their diploma and are in their last year of high school. Applicants gain admission into the program through a selection committee process.

The cornerstone of the Launch program is total immersion in a large business. The Upper Valley Career Center accomplishes this, thanks to the on-going collaboration between professionals, interns, and their families. 

Inside the Program

Instruction reinforces on-the-job learning and introduces critical employability topics:

  • Unit One - Keeping Safety First: workplace requirements

  • Unit Two - Being a Team Player

  • Unit Three - Understanding the Human Resource Processes

  • Unit Four - Communication and Social Skills

  • Unit Five - Health, Wellness, and Individuality

  • Unit Six - Technology for the whole person

  • Unit Seven - Career Exploration

  • Unit Eight - Managing Money and Independent Living

  • Unit Nine - Presentation, Interviewing and Community Connections

  • Unit Ten - Making Plans for Career Success: Resume, Attitude and handling changes in job status

On-the-Job Experience

On-site managers work with the coordinator and job readiness trainers to support the interns. Interns receive regular feedback from the internship manager, co-workers, and UVCC staff. At the end of each work day interns reflect and journal their learning experiences in order to identify problem areas and consider solutions and plans for improvement. Staff instruct and oversee the interns during their job rotations and in their final job placement.

Three rotations give each intern real-world work experience based on his or her unique abilities and needs. The options include:

  • Nutrition

  • Rehabilitation

  • Linens

  • Cancer Care

  • Environmental Services, and more.


Working Together Toward Independence

Fluid and focused partnerships among local institutions and agencies is vital to the success of this program. 

Upper Valley Logo

The Upper Valley Career Center provides the expertise and training professionals to direct the program and coordinate the efforts of interns, job readiness trainers, and site supervisors.


Upper Valley Medical Center and Koester Pavilion both provide a training office, computer lab, and on-campus work rotations.

Our Staff

Patti Moore, Launch Coordinator
P: 937.440.7431
F: 937.440.7886

Kristin Pence, Paraprofessional


These state and local agencies provide oversight and continued support for each intern gaining employment as a result of their participation in Launch. 

RT Industries Logo


Riverside Miami County Board of Disabilities Logo