Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSOS)
Become a Leader
Participate in regional, state, and national events
Demonstrate abilities through competitions
Meeting people from across the nation and around the globe
We make it easy to participate in professional organizations. One morning each quarter is set aside for Career Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) activities.
This allows all students to be part of the planning and operations without missing classes or lab work. CTSO affiliations are noted throughout the program pages on this web site. There is a place for everyone to excel!
Upper Valley Career Center CTSOs

The purpose of Business Professionals of America is to prepare students for the business workforce through the development of leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills. Members are involved in community service projects supporting Special Olympics and various chapter activities. The members compete in business and information technology skill events through local, regional, state, and national competitions.

Educators Rising cultivates highly skilled educators by guiding young people on a path to becoming accomplished teachers, beginning in high school and extending through college and into the profession.

Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a nonprofit, national career-technical student organization for young men and women through grade 12 with family as its central focus. FCCLA members become leaders in their families, careers, and communities. Projects reflect a variety of youth concerns including teen pregnancy, parenting, family relationships, community service, peer pressure, financial literacy, nutrition and fitness, teen violence prevention, and career exploration.

FFA is a national organization dedicated to preparing members for leadership and careers in the science, business, and technology of agriculture. Local, state, and national activities and award programs provide opportunities to apply knowledge and skills acquired through agriculture education. Today, more than half a million student members are engaged in a wide range of agricultural education activities, leading to over 300 career opportunities in the food, fiber, and natural resources industry. Student success remains the primary mission of FFA.

SkillsUSA is a career-technical/leadership organization. Its goals and purposes are to unite in a common bond all students enrolled in trade and industrial, technical, and health occupations programs; to develop leadership abilities through participation in educational, career-technical, civic, recreational and social activities; to foster a deep respect for the dignity of work; to help students attain a purposeful life, and to create enthusiasm for learning.