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Steve Stamper
Instructor - Piqua Jr. High - Exploring STEM
Satellite Programs
(937) 773-6314
Dr. Deb Stanfield
Instructor - Veterinary Science
Career Tech Programs
(937) 778.1980 x236
Kristi Stewart
Secretary - Student Services
Student Services
(937) 778.1980 x275
Phyllis Stoll
Paraprofessional - Cosmetology
Career Tech Programs
(937) 778.1980 x833
Brianna Tarkany
Instructor - Math
937-778-1980 x 281
Kellie Terry
Cafeteria Worker
Support Staff
Emily Tomasello
Instructor - Cosmetology
Career Tech Programs
Frank Tomasello
Instructor/Paraprofessional - Culinary Arts
Career Tech Programs
(937) 778.1980 x 830
Tony Trapp
District Apprenticeship Coordinator
Student Services
(937) 778.1980 x724
Ryan Tremblay
Supervisor of Instruction
(937) 778.1980 x 755
Melodie Trent
Bus Driver
Emily Turner
Instructor - Ag. Science - Jackson Center Satellite
Satellite Programs
(937) 596-6053
Chase Underwood
Student Resource Officer
(937) 778-1980 x216
Kyle VanDyke
Instructor - English
(937) 778.1980 x822
Steve Verhoff
Director of Business Operations
(937) 778.1980 x220
Roger Voisard
Instructional Supervisor
(937) 778.1980 x234
Anne Vonderheide
Transition Coordinator - Science
Student Services
(937) 778.1980 x734
Meagan Walters
Instructor - Ag. Science - Bradford Satellite
(937) 448-2719
Karen Weinschenk
Job Coach - Explore
(937) 778.1980 x725
Anne Wendeln
Instructor - Mathematics
(937) 778.1980 x261